Saturday 30 December 2017

Change yourself to Change the World


As Tolstoy said “Everybody wants to change the world, but nobody wants to change himself.”

At present, we live in a modern world. Thanks to the gift of education and scientific development.

Everybody knows ‘ABC’ of everything. No branch of knowledge is not beyond his grip and his

oratorical prominence has enriched. Articles, speeches and preaching are abundant as guiding tools

to the civilised mankind. But pollution in words, deeds and creeds are increasing day by day.

             All the theists believe that “man is born to do karma, the fruit of karma will be given by the

Almighty.” Of all the living beings man is only destined to work and earn for the benefit of the

universe. To everlasting peace and contentment of the universe the only creative panacea is the

human being. The heaven is in his hands and also the hell.

              An incident that comes to my mind is what my father told me about a ten year old boy,

when I was a little child. The boy lived in a remote village where there was not even electricity

and street lights. One rainy day, on the way to local market he saw a branch of a tree broken

down almost in the middle of the road. With much effort he pulled the branch to the side of the

road and resumed his walk. An old man was surprised to see the act of the young boy and asked

him “Are you Ok? Why you did that?” The boy gently replied that, pedestrians and cyclist may

come along the road at night and they may hit the branch on the road accidently and result in

injuries. The old man was speechless and hugged the boy and blessed him. This story still remind

me the goodness when I think of changing the world.

                 I would like to share with the readers, my experiences as part of my social commitment.

After my superannuation, I wholeheartedly stepped into the path of volunteering. I joined two

organisations, one ‘Thanalil’, which is a shelter for the lonely distressed women and the other one

All India Women's Conference (AIWC), an organisation aimed in the upliftment of women and


                 At Thanalil, the inmates were mostly elders who are all alone in their lives. Being a human

resource person, relating to them was my priority to start with. I found that they were hesitating to

express, accept or even to smile. To make a change towards me with each of them, I made an effort

to be close with the inmates through love chat in groups and individually, with eye contact and

warm touch to create a rapport. Slowly they became at ease to relate with me. They began

unwinding and free to interact and express their feelings. The main problem I realised was, they

were under fear. Slowly I initiated talk therapy, relaxation, simple breathing exercises and

meditation. As the sessions progressed, they became friendly to open up. A feeling of wantedness

developed in between us. Then I started laughter and music therapy, which worked very well to

keep them healthy and happy. This results in the development of progressive relationship

between the inmates and members of our organisation, and a lively atmosphere occurred in our

campus. The inmates were really empowered to express their needs and capable to interact with

others and involve in the activities. Remembering or celebrating their birthdays was alien to them

as was the severity of distribution they found of themselves. Their birthdays were traced out and as

secretary of the organisation I started celebrating their birthdays with special gifts to them. It is

continuing as a practice which make them feel they are no more alone, they can also take part in

changing the world.

               At AIWC in the day care centre for old, our aim is to create a sense of sociability for those

who are alone at home. They were starving, not for food but for acceptance. The activities like

reading, experience and jokes sharing, singing along with yoga and meditation sessions, they

started to be more energetic. Special emphasis is given to make them interact freely in weekly

review programmes. Besides the monthly medical check-ups and terminal day trips are also

arranged for exploring and increasing the creative pursuits in them. All these activities created

a lively and happy feeling, which propelled a change to physical and mental wellbeing in them.

They don’t want to miss a single day from Monday to Friday every week.

                  At San Antonio, United States  during the short visit to our daughter

 I was really blessed to befriend a couple from India who were also

visiting United States. During our evening walk, we started sharing and found out the lady was

totally disturbed with insomnia, joint aches, heart burn and constipation. Being a visitor it is not

that easy to have doctor’s appointment. Both of them were unhappy and helpless. I thought to

share my experience with neurobics and offered a seven day course at our residence.

They accepted and we started it, daily two hours.

           Neurobics is the best methodology to utilise mind power to keep, mind and body healthy.

By concentrating on the seven life centres (Chakras) in our body, holding hand gestures (Mudras),

by breathing action and visualization are the keys to neurobics. Daily practice of thirty minutes to an

hour helps in cleansing the life centres, thus maintaining a balance in the energy flow in our body

resulting in making body and mind completely fit.

          Special care of two hours a day for a week, worked out on them and they start feeling their

uneasiness slowly shedding away. With a thankful heart, full of love, they bid farewell and left

exchanging phone numbers and email id to keep the friendship forever.

           These experiences are making me more and more powerful with positive attitude.

My principle is to master , the skills I acquired, and use it for the needy, so that I can also take

part in changing the world.

           To lift self into full potential is to know the purpose of life. Each one of us has the unspoken

assignment to propel ourselves. The core purpose, when we embrace it, lifts us feeling wonderful

and fulfilled. As we progress in the path, we start forgetting self and discomforts in our personal

 life. The goal ahead truly kindles light in our body, mind and soul. Dedicated and enlightened in

the purpose of life is a bliss which is always positive. Positive means being creative and fearless.

At this stage one can feel the total change in self and start doing things with their unique talents.

When we feel how everything works together in nature, we can realize that there is benevolent

underlying flow to things that we can tap and ride.

           I would wish to conclude with the quote of Mother Teresa that always inspires me,” Nothing

makes you happier than when you really reach out in mercy to someone who is badly hurt.”



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