Tuesday 6 June 2017

World Environmental Day 2017

Yesterday, 5th June, 2017 was the 'World Environmental Day'. We celebrated the day at AIWC, Aluva. Based on the theme 'Connect with Nature' we had organised sessions covering planting medicinal and fruit tree seedlings to maintain ecosystem on earth, save water, protect mother earth and fight against polluting nature by throwing waste like plastic which suffocates earth. World environmental Day is a day for everyone, everywhere. The participants were allowed to express their own activities at home along public activities in their residential association, community and clubs. It include neighbourhood clean-ups, raising home gardens and vegetable gardens, planting fruit trees and protecting their homestead crops. The day reminds everyone that how we are part of nature and how intimately we depend on it. The programme was a motivation to all in the session to experience and cherish the relationship of all the living organisms on earth.

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