Tuesday 6 June 2017


Laughter therapy was first started by an Indian, Dr Madan Kataria

in 1995 at Mumbai with five participants in a local public park.

 Laughter therapy is an alternative approach to health and happiness. It is also a mind body medicine.

  We are all born with a gift of laughter. Laughter is a natural medicine which lifts our spirit and makes us feel happy. It is

also a contagious emotion. Here comes the therapeutic value

of laugh.

                  Laughter provides full scale workout for muscles and

unleashes a rush of stress busting endorphins. Body can’t distinguish

real and fake laughter. Laughter makes one giggle and create a

positive impact. So those who are not having sense of humour

can also be benefitted from laughter.

Aim of Laughter Therapy

To promote overall health and happiness

To help relieve physical and emotional stress

To cope with and survive stressful life

To help build positive thoughts

To help strengthen social bonds and relationships.

Who can do Laughter Therapy?

   All age groups can participate in laughter therapy. Different ways are

practised in the sessions. Beneficial to all since it requires no skill or athletic

ability for practice. It is easy to incorporate in daily life. Laughter therapy

works with all, whether you are young or old, rich or poor, male or female,

educated or illiterate.

How to Practice

An open ground or hall is required

A laugh captain should be there to lead

Separate groups for kids

Wear comfortable clothes

Minimum 20 to 30 minutes session

Allow natural laughter to flow

Important Steps in Laughter Therapy

Clapping in rhythm

Breathing and Stretching

Child like Play

Laughter exercises

Benefits of Laughter Therapy

Good physical and aerobic exercise

Release of endorphins results in whole body relax

Tones muscles and improves respiration

Boosts immune system

Boosts respiratory system

Eases digestion

Improves mental functions

Improves overall attitude

Produce a general sense of wellbeing

Helps reduces wrinkles

Restores playfulness in life

Makes one more attractive

Improves communication and relationships

Skills required for a laughter volunteer

Communication skills

Outgoing attitude

Self esteem and self confident

Quite happy to lead the group into laughter

World Laughter Day

First Sunday of May every year is being celebrated.

Dr Madan Kataria is the founder of worldwide laughter therapy movement.

The concept of laughter therapy rapidly spread worldwide.

More than 15000 laughter clubs prevails in different countries.

Each club is run by a captain/ volunteer.

    The combined gentle breathing, stretching and stimulated unconditional

laughter in group becomes genuine which results in enhancing quality of life.

Laughter is a positive and more powerful emotion that has all ingredients

required for individual to change themselves and to change the world in a

peaceful and positive way. World laughter day is a positive manifestation for

world peace and is intended to build up a global consciousness of brotherhood

and friendship through laughter.

  Choosing to laugh as and when you want is not a sign of silliness, it’s a sign of

maturity. Laughter brings people together and helps to feel more alive,

confident and empowered. This reminds the famous quote of Charlie Chaplin,

“ A day without laughter is a waste day.”

         Usually we laugh at other’s expense.

         Let us start to laugh at our own account.


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