Sunday 18 June 2017

Being Compassionate is the greatest gift

My mom is having a lot of uneasiness due to her illness. She is 83. Recently she joined us and was admitted in a speciality hospital near by. Six days hospitalisation made her more weak. Back home after two days her palms and hands were severely swollen and discoloured on the points where butterfly syringe was injected. Because of so thin veins for each insertion three to four attempts were done. She was having severe pain and I was so worried. Booked an appointment for consulting. Since we were living upstairs my mom was not able to come down. I took pictures of her hands and went to hospital. With permission of the doctor I showed the pictures and he was so nice and prescribed an ointment and a tablet for 5 days. Knowing the inability of my mom, doctor asked the location of our home. It is very near to the hospital. To my surprise he handed over his visiting card to me telling when ever in trouble call him and he can make the visit on the way to the hospital or back home.
Yes there are Godly people around us who loves to serve. Even though being a busy physician the kindness of the doctor wonders me and it is now my duty to scribble this down for my readers to show the world we are living in a great place among kind people. That is compassion. Finding commonalities with others, kind to self and others, being mindful with high emotional intelligence without emphasis on money with great gratitude. Be blessed and stay blessed dear doctor!!!

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