Wednesday 22 February 2017

Let women get empowered through AIWC......

The annual meeting of AIWC 2017 was on 8,9 and 10 of February at Om Shanti Retreat Centre (ORC), Manesar, Gurgaon. Participated the meeting as a delegate. AIWC is a non governmental organisation with it's HQ at New Delhi. Started in 1927, the organisation is dedicated to the upliftment and betterment of women and children. About 750 delegates were there in the meeting. There are about 1lakh members in 500 branches across the country. AIWC aims at literacy and education, promoting entrepreneurial ventures by capacity building and skill development, promotes micro credit through self help groups, rural energy programmes, computer literacy programmes, crèches, women libraries and much more. AIWC is a dynamic organisation which is the premier women's institution with the object of educating women to rise up in the main stream of society to take part in social, cultural and political fields.

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