Sunday 19 February 2017

A short stay in United States

We were in USA for the last six months. It is time to bid goodbye for this season to our daughter and family. It was great fun and pleasure to be with them. Our two grandsons here made our days happy and vibrant. We enjoyed playing, walking, shopping, doing activities, swimming, eating, library time with them and much more. Collecting buddy bucks from HEB was a favourite sport for me and the kids.We were able to concentrate on our passions in between. I was busy with my blogs, writings and updating the website. The creativity of our grandsons triggered positivity in us and made us more creative. Enjoyed Halloween, thanksgiving, Christmas and new year activities along with our traditional onam and deepawali programmes. Above all these we had get together of our monthly theme dinner group, poker group and bhajan group along with the trimonthly sare gama group(singing). Also a lot of other dinner and lunch parties, birthdays and surprise birthday parties. The stay here was awesome. Last time our grandson three year old was having a doubt: He asked his mom, 'Mom are these guys homeless, why are they staying with us for a long time?' Last March he turned four, they got a vacation and visited us last July at our native place. He learned a lot about us and our activities. This time he told me directly, 'grandma, why can't you dispose your house in your place and join with us for ever?' Then we can have fun all the times. That is a great offer from our precious grandson. With great gratitude this time bye bye San Antonio and waiting for the next visit and stay with our cute grandsons.

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