Tuesday 28 February 2017

Heavenly Experience at ORC (Om Shanti Retreat Centre)

 I got an opportunity to be and stay at Om Shanti Retreat Centre (ORC), Manesar in Gurgaon District of Haryana State in connection with the annual meet of All India Women's Conference (AIWC). This divine centre is located 70 kilometres away from the New Delhi. The centre is aimed in perfect education in the art of living through Rajyoga. The campus is full with greenery, beautiful and colourful flowers, speaking and dancing peacocks, soft and quickie rabbits, lovely squirrels and graceful cows. Baba room, the pyramid, auditorium, meditation rooms, training halls, spiritual art gallery, accommodation centres like Shanti Kunj, Nirmal Kunj, Peace home and some more which accommodates 500 guests along with health centres covering allopathy, homeopathy, dental clinic, physiotherapy centre, acupressure centre and the shopping spots were the sites within the campus for us to explore. The chilling weather outside were not a barrier to go through the agricultural and allied activities going on in the campus. The pure vegetarian food prepared and served by the Rajyogis was the real soul food. The electricity and fuel are produced by the 200 kilowatt solar power plant in the spiritual campus. The two day stay at ORC made me thinking of I am at Heaven. It is Divine to be at ORC.

Sunday 26 February 2017

Mother in law is like Mom....make the bond strong....

Pic with mom and mom in law
It is so easy to bond with mother in law. After marriage you are having two moms. One is yours and the other mom is who is the mom of your man in your life. Bonding with my mother in law was not a big task. It was so easy for me to handle. Just took some time to learn about my mother in law from my hubby, observed the actions, reactions, words and deeds of her and found out her likes and dislikes. Within two three weeks I became a nice and lovely daughter in law to my 'Mil'. A beautiful smile, care and concern, generosity and kindness are very much enough to get the love of 'Mil'. This is a rare picture of a daughter, mom and mother in law in a pedicure saloon. Look all are so happy enjoying the company of each other. Always create a rapport with mother in law giving her a little attention and due respect. The natural bond you create with your mother in law get strengthens as days passing which can create heaven in your personal life.

Friday 24 February 2017

Significance of Shivrathri for Women...

Mahashivrathri is the most important festival for the millions of devotees of Lord Shiva. The meaning is 'great night of Shiva'. The ceremonies take place mainly at night.It is celebrated on the 13th night of waning moon and 14th day of the month Phalguna. Devotees who performs worship of Lord Shiva on Shivrathri is absolved of sins and attains moksha. Shivrathri day women observe fast and keep awake throughout the night. They perform sincere Shiva worship and it is believed to have long and prosperous married life. The mantra 'Om Namah Shivaya' continues through out day and night from all the throats who gathered. Many pilgrims folks to the Shiva Temple grounds to observe the rituals and worship. The devotees are supposed to get rid of the evils like anger, jealousy and anger.

Thursday 23 February 2017

Age is not a Barrier to Perform..

singing group
Attending our annual meeting of AIWC at ORC, Manesar, we from Aluva planned a cultural programme in our mind and brain. The theme was singing a folk song of country boat race along with boat rowing and clapping hands performance. Out of the three days programmes, the first day eve, came to know that 7 minutes can be utilised for the programme which is at 6PM on the very next day. The next task was to inform and arrange the team of at least 15 from the total Kerala delegates of 20. However we took effort and were able to get the fifteen at the morning tea break. Decided to assemble after lunch. We got hardly an hour to rehearse for the programme. Based on the song the rowing and clapping hands game will progress. We all were retired hands from service and managed to perform pretty well and got appreciation from the audience.
We proved once again, ' age is not a barrier to anything'. Take life as an adventure to live lively. Make it different, expect change, embrace it and enjoy. Today's elder is a vital and she is vibrant when in an active team. Being active makes one more independent and confident. The results of performance increase the balance, improves flexibility, eases movements of muscles and strengthens the individual. Why to hesitate? Get ready to involve and act.

Wednesday 22 February 2017

Let women get empowered through AIWC......

The annual meeting of AIWC 2017 was on 8,9 and 10 of February at Om Shanti Retreat Centre (ORC), Manesar, Gurgaon. Participated the meeting as a delegate. AIWC is a non governmental organisation with it's HQ at New Delhi. Started in 1927, the organisation is dedicated to the upliftment and betterment of women and children. About 750 delegates were there in the meeting. There are about 1lakh members in 500 branches across the country. AIWC aims at literacy and education, promoting entrepreneurial ventures by capacity building and skill development, promotes micro credit through self help groups, rural energy programmes, computer literacy programmes, crèches, women libraries and much more. AIWC is a dynamic organisation which is the premier women's institution with the object of educating women to rise up in the main stream of society to take part in social, cultural and political fields.

Tuesday 21 February 2017

Bhoothathankettu...a beautiful and popular tourist destination in Kerala

Bhoothathankettu is a scenic dam site situated in the vast virgin forests of Ernakulam district in Kerala State. The boating facility in the Periyar river is an added attraction of the beautiful spot. The spectacular views of nature includes hill, valleys, forests, migratory birds and wild animals. The visit to the site provides feast to the eyes. The children's park, garden, watch tower, tree houses, trekking and boating facilities fulfil the taste of all ages. Bhoothathankettu is the gateway of evergreen Western Ghats. It is also the base camp to enjoy a forest trail. Visitors can freshened up at Bhoothathankettu with a sense of satisfaction.

Shocked news....

My phone bell woke me up early morning which made me confused who put on the alarm because I can't remember any urgency in the day. Suddenly revealed about my phone and saw that it is the call from my daughter. While attending I heard the panic sound of our daughter who told her 'Mil' is hospitalised. Two days before she told she was suffering from bronchitis and wheezing and is on antibiotics. Why? What happened? Shocking heard her broken words' diagnosed with leukaemia'. Oh my God! What? Just want to hear what I heard is wrong. Again repeated, 'leukaemia'. While sobbing, she told within two weeks what a change? How can we think it is the symptoms of leukaemia?
Ten days before she felt feverish. Took some tablets for fever. She was having cough. Thought may be of cold weather. After four days felt tired, again after four days suffered from little suffocation and cough. When to family medicine. Diagnosed with bronchitis and pneumonia and prescribed antibiotics. Even after two days no change and third night she was not able even to lie down and was suffering from wheezing. Early morning was so tired not at all able to walk three steps. At this moment she was rushed to emergency where after four hours the diagnosis came out. Here nothing abnormal found but lost ten days which was very crucial in this case. May The Almighty protect my dear sister from this acute stage of leukaemia. Praying for the recovery of our beloved.
Let us take care of fevers and night sweats, frequent infections, pains in joints, loss of appetite, weight loss, weakness and tiredness, suffocation to breathe, cough. swollen lymph nodes without pain or bleeding and bruising easily.  

Monday 20 February 2017

A Short visit to Kingdom of Dreams

Recently we got an opportunity to visit 'Kingdom of Dreams' at Gurgaon after AIWC's three days annual meeting at ORC, Manesar.

Opened in 2010, Kingdom of Dreams is India's first live entertainment, tourist and leisure spot. It is located in sector 29, Gurgaon near Leisure Valley Park. It is spread over 6 acres which consists of two theatres and cuisine area known as Culture Gully which represents the arts, crafts and food of different states of our country. The fully air conditioned 100,000 square feet structure was a great spot for us to escape the chillness outside. Theme restaurants and live kitchens from the 14 states of India was a real temptation to finalise which restaurant to dine? Each state pavilion is unique with it's culture. We elders with our lovely young hostess, my daughter's friend, enjoyed the time we were inside. We had a great photo session to mark our visit memorable and to share with our family and friends.

Sunday 19 February 2017

A short stay in United States

We were in USA for the last six months. It is time to bid goodbye for this season to our daughter and family. It was great fun and pleasure to be with them. Our two grandsons here made our days happy and vibrant. We enjoyed playing, walking, shopping, doing activities, swimming, eating, library time with them and much more. Collecting buddy bucks from HEB was a favourite sport for me and the kids.We were able to concentrate on our passions in between. I was busy with my blogs, writings and updating the website. The creativity of our grandsons triggered positivity in us and made us more creative. Enjoyed Halloween, thanksgiving, Christmas and new year activities along with our traditional onam and deepawali programmes. Above all these we had get together of our monthly theme dinner group, poker group and bhajan group along with the trimonthly sare gama group(singing). Also a lot of other dinner and lunch parties, birthdays and surprise birthday parties. The stay here was awesome. Last time our grandson three year old was having a doubt: He asked his mom, 'Mom are these guys homeless, why are they staying with us for a long time?' Last March he turned four, they got a vacation and visited us last July at our native place. He learned a lot about us and our activities. This time he told me directly, 'grandma, why can't you dispose your house in your place and join with us for ever?' Then we can have fun all the times. That is a great offer from our precious grandson. With great gratitude this time bye bye San Antonio and waiting for the next visit and stay with our cute grandsons.

Positive Life Tips....

In my life I am happy. The reason is I am blessed with good health, enough wealth, prosperity, happiness and peace. I am not at all interested in any material riches. The positive approach and an adjustable mind makes me live this wonderful life with great gratitude to the universe.
Have a morning routine of yoga and meditation to boost up your day.
Feel gratitude in what ever happens in your life.
Smile to make your soul smile and get back the smiles from the beautiful souls around and from the universe.
Honour your relations and take care to sustain them.
Do not live on excuses, that will punish you. Take responsibility of your life and be a creator of your days. Excuses are mere complaints that will lead you no way.
Have a good purpose, focus on it and go for it.
Life is not at all easy. Expect for hard things and accept it. You can solve that because you are positive.
Visualize your life with your purpose and experience the achievement which is towards success.
We are only responsible to make our life happy and calm. Live your life best in your positive style which for sure can make changes in others who are around you.