Sunday 4 June 2017

Rangammal @ 100, a Colossus of Womanhood

Unbelievable when we hear about her, unforgettable when we see her, adorable when we do know her, inspiring when we imbibe her, this is what I felt when I met the idol Rangammal alias Pappammal at the Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Coimbatore. The blissful moment happened through the post in Face book on 12th August 2016, celebrating the 100th birthday of the champion leader of Thekkumpatty by the whole village along with dignitaries from all walks of life. It was so hard to believe her age from the picture as it seems like a middle aged healthy woman. It sparked in me the curiosity to know more about her. Being in USA, I need to wait till February 2017 to materialise my dream. Yes, it was realized with the help of the eminent Agriculture scientist Dr Prabhu Kumar who directed me to contact the Principal Scientist in charge of KVK, Coimbatore. With the generosity of head of the KVK, Dr Kumaravadivelu who made the rendezvous.

                               Rangammal, a lady with simple attire, charming in countenance, attracting like a magnet was very fascinating and I felt that I was before a blazing sun of love and regard. The 5.5 feet, 58 kg Rangammal is a real life model and a living example of humbleness for those who seek a rightful, purposeful and beautiful life. It is thrilling to know that she is still the Scientific Advisory Committee Member (SACM) of KVK and special member of Ramakrishna Vidyalaya Agriculture College, Coimbatore. Even now she is always task oriented with daily goals who delights the villagers with her presence in almost all the activities and solaces them in their loss.

                                It is only with awe that we can hear her life saga. She was born in a modest Mudaliyar family. She lost her mother at the age of 8 and father at the age of 15. Thereafter her life with her grandmother moulded in her personal and social awareness and ignited love, care and concern towards humankind. She was married but the anticlimax was that she had to allow her husband to marry her younger sister as she was not conceiving.  Back with her grandmother, started an epoch of awakening of Rangammal as a bold, dutiful and strong woman. From the darkness of ignorance and helplessness she overcame the barricades of life with determination and dedication. No schooling, doesn’t know how to write but she acquired the managerial skills to raise the problems of the community to the authorities and solve the issues tactfully made her the champion of the area. She was the first woman in the village to run a tea stall, grocery shop, farm labourer, bullock cart driver and an entrepreneur. She dared to challenge against the hardships and passivity of the womanhood and motivated them with a hope of new horizon in their minds. In 1959 she was became the member of Panchayat, the vice chairman, union councillor and then her activity graph was successfully rising. In 1970 she was elected as the first woman member of the task group of the Tamilnadu Agricultural University due to her undaunted interest, dedication and zeal to agriculture. She got the opportunity to see and learn the newer and innovative methods of agricultural practices travelling different parts of India and get capacitated in the techniques of rural development. She formed the women self-help group and led them to various enterprising channels. Serving the country was her top priority.  Mere words are not enough to mention her efforts to unite and motivate the women into agriculture and the developmental activities as their mentor. She is ready to run the power tiller even now to inspire the community around her.

                               The down lane journey to her hey days revealed the commitment towards her life. There was no electricity or home appliance to run for the convenience of the household work. She had to prepare all the snacks for the teashop, walk a long way for doing farming, driving the bullock cart to sell and buy commodities for herself and others and also supervising the crops cultivated here and there. She managed all the works even though in a tight schedule working very late in the night with only 2 or 3 hours sleep. She remembered squeezing onion in her eyes to keep the sleep away. She really took her life as a challenge to face the hard realities with a stern and positive mind. Now she gratefully remembers that the hardships were actually empowering her to know the enthralling spiritual power in human being and the value of karma.

                                   When I asked her whether she has any message to give to the younger generation, laughingly she said that her life is her message. Repeatedly when I asked, she said calmly in low tone, “Avoid competition and quarrel, be straight forward in thoughts, words and deeds, truly, honestly and confidently take care of yourself and serve the community. 

                                     Rangammal @ 100 is a woman who does not want any adornment, simple in heart and mind, humble in dealings with ‘Godly’ presence. May the Almighty bless her to live a full life with Strength, Vigour, Happiness and Peace!!!




  1. Great to know such powerful women with iron will power exists and survives in this society

  2. Great attempt to reveal such powerful persons to the public.

  3. CONGRATULATIONS have done a
    Worthy job by unveiling the manifold humanitarian services rendered by this superhuman adorable lady.Mayshelivelongto serve Mother India
