Wednesday 21 June 2017

21st June 2017 International Yoga Day

Theme for 2017 is 'Yoga for Health'. The holistic approach of yoga assures
Physical health, mental health and emotional health.
Enhance immunity.
Spreads peace and results in harmony.
Relieves from stress.
Increase self respect, self esteem and self confidence.
Reduces body weight.
Balance and regulate blood circulation, air circulation, heat circulation and energy circulation. Results in better life style.

Yoga is the journey of the self, to the self, through the self.
Yoga connects people to the nature. Yoga is the pathway of wellness.
The harmony results in the oneness of body and mind and thoughts and action.
So why to wait, it is not late, let us make a better choice of our better health. We at AIWC library assembled and took pledge, 'For better health and peace of mind daily for half an hour, I hereby declare to do yoga from today'.
After that we did chair yoga comprising of breathing, exercises, asana, meditation and relaxation.

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