Sunday 18 July 2021

Happiness from our homestead

Clear coconut oil from our homestead garden coconuts.🌴 Even though it is a hectic process the happiness of the final product is on the peak.
The activities from the raw coconuts to the crystal clear oil is a week process.
1. De-husking 
2. Clearing the outer fibre from the coconuts 
3. Breaking into half 
4. Spreading the halves in the sun light 
5. Three days under bright sunlight 
6. De-shelling 
7. One day under sunlight 
8. Cutting the coconut into slender pieces 
9. 2-3 more days to sun dry for dried copra 
10. To the copra mill 
11. Back home with oil
12. Allow to settle down 
13. Transfer to airtight bottles 
14. Put some salt granules inside the bottles to absorb any moisture in the oil.
The fragrance of the homemade oil is extraordinary superb 👌
The happiness of the effort is really incredible and healthy!!


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