Friday 23 April 2021

World Book Day 2021

In my childhood days I enjoyed reading and company of books.
Our children were also members of the local library and had a good reading habit.
Our grandchildren too loves reading and members of children’s library in their area.
But the social media had encroached the space of books 📚 
Now smart phones, iPad and television are so common. 
Here too the Covid 29 pandemic plays a great role. Everything virtual, school and college classes, yoga, dance, tailoring, even marriage, other functions and funerals too. Online programs becoming very common and books are relaxing in the shelves.
If electricity is not there online system fails.
If you have half dozen of books with you then your reading world is unlimited. Books are good as friends.
You have to select the right books with positive vibes to grow healthier and stay positive.
I am so happy to share that I authored 6 books and co authored one book on psychology along with Rajendran Pillai. P, my beloved husband. The books are on health science, self help, cookery and travel!
Happy World Book Day wishes to my readers 👩‍🏫 
Go on reading 📖 


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