Thursday 17 September 2020

A small trip via Kochi metro after six months

The Covid 19 pandemic tied up all at home, especially seniors and kids. We , me and my husband, were back from Pune on 21st March 2020. After home quarantine, we went out only for essentials. Focused on the homestead and wellness activities at home. 
Yesterday we need to go to Ernakulam. The Kochi Metro rail restarted on 7th September. We live close to the metro station, so decided to travel by metro rail. A nice and comfortable experience to share with my readers. The trip was so good and we are happy.
The highlights were,
1. No crowd
2. At the entrance sanitizer is provided.
3. Then the temperature recording.
4. Directly to the ticket counter.
5. Tickets from the machine and cash into the box.
6. Screening and up to the platform.
7. Train in 2 minutes.
8. Arrangements in the train is marked for sitting and if standing needed.
Nothing to worry oru on a other side the arrangements made are highly appreciable. Thanks to the Kochimetro authorities.
We enjoyed our short trip in public conveyance. The only thing is that we have to observe the Covid protocol and enjoy the trip in Kochi Metro.
A nice day with a lovely trip.


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