Thursday 9 July 2020

Vegetables from homestead during Covid 19 pandemic season

Some of the products from our homestead from perennials and seasonals.
No travel, no celebrations, no friends visit, no weddings to attend.....Covid protocol is not allowing us to step out. We stepped into our homestead garden more than ever before. Both mornings and evenings are for our garden. The results are great going.
From leaves to fruits we got plenty veggies. Not only for our use but also to share with our tenants and  friends. 
We made main dishes, side dishes, snacks, pickles and fritters out of our produces.
Moringa, Pulses, varieties of spinach, pumpkin, onion gave plenty of leaves. 
Taro, elephant foot yam and Ceylon spinach gave stems and leaves.Moringa and pumpkin gave lots of flowers.
Jackfruit, Bilimbi, mango, rose apple, Moringa, okra , bitter gourd and pumpkin gave raw vegetables and ripen fruits.
Taro elephant foot yam provides tubers.  
Likewise nature protects us and provides the whole vegetables from March till now. A little care with love and dedication is the only investment.
The result is rich sources of vitamins, minerals and fibres in our hands and hand reach. It enhances the immunity level to stay healthy and happy.  The rest from Mother Nature. Nature is great 👍 

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