Thursday 20 July 2017

Let us live on our Blessings

It is South West monsoon in Kerala. Yesterday was heavily raining. Me and my friend went to Ernakulam by bus in connection with an official programme of AIWC, Aluva. When reached the bus stop I got down forgetting my umbrella. At the office only knew the loss. I felt sad but no way to recover the umbrella. Because don't know the name of the bus or final destination of the bus. After finishing the programme we were in a hurry to reach back in order to attend another important meeting. Even skipped a cup of coffee. Back to the bus stop, waiting for the bus. A bus arrived and to my surprise when I stepped in, saw the same bus conductor who issued the ticket in our onward trip. So happily and loudly I said, 'Oh this is the bus we came, then the conductor also identified us and showed my umbrella. I thanked God for getting it back. Every small things are our favourites. If it is lost, it is painful. Back in our office we shared this incident and all of us were grateful in our beautiful lives.

1 comment:

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