Monday 1 January 2018

Mrs. Jayanthi Appu Menon, Backbone of AIWC,Aluva

Contributions of Mrs. Jayanthi Appu Menon, Founder President of AIWC, Aluva

As our founder President she laid a strong basement for her successors where we are now standing with confidence and self esteem.

She is a motivating person with great administrative talents. As a patron and mentor she is still guiding us for achieving goals of AIWC.

During her long tenure of presidential ship she made AIWC, a landmark of Aluva which inspired our girls and women to acquire skills and obtain self sufficiency.

Our huge building is the result of her selfless service of determination and dedication. Without her we should not be able to have the prestigious institute at Aluva.

Her charismatic presence in the awareness camps, seminars and classes made it crowded and a grand success.

To sum up she unleashed with truthful relationship the power of human resources. She is a visionary who knows where she is and where she is headed for.





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