Saturday 30 December 2017

Panacea to Life Journey

                                                Love is in a way can be said as mutual dependence. A life form, even a seed, is embedded with all that is required for a full life cycle. There are certain needs for it to blossom. Plants need energy from the external as well as the internal source for photosynthesis and osmosis. Likewise all the life forms are dependent on both ways to grow and flourish.

                                                  In the evolutionary age language of man was the expression through his body and that expressions were being originated from his heart. They were experiencing love -the basic form of life- through their heart. It was the total dedication of one’s life for the betterment of other’s lives as compassion and sacrifice without any return in any way. Slowly man started the verbal form of expression which was in essence influenced by the brain. The dual expression, one from the heart and the other from the brain came into existing. In language love is expressed as the fundamental energy of life and life is the confluence of love, intelligence, emotions and energy.

                                                     Heat cannot be separated from fire because it is the inherent nature of fire. Without heat there is no fire. Heat is the quality, capacity and totality of fire. So is love in human beings. Love is the omnipotent in mankind and that is what inspired Mahatma Gandhi to define, “God is Love”.

                                                       Love is something very intangible, but it becomes tangible the moment we feel it. It is the panacea of life. It is the healing cosmology; it is the pertinent, pervasive and perpetual emotional deed of well being of the Universe.

                                                        Quality, quantity and intensity of love vary from person to person. Lack of love makes one moronic and nihilistic and the possession of love makes one the ‘Son of God’. People become transparent when they are lovable. Openness and fearlessness are the qualities of love. Acceptance, recognition, respect, empathy and compassion are all the results of love.

                                                         Love is the powerful tool to uplift humanity. Mahatma Gandhi used this tool to get freedom for India. Mother Teresa used this tool to heal and solace the sick and the destitute. SriBudha used this tool to liberate humankind from sufferings thus creating peace in the Universe.

                                                              Love is an expression of relating that, ‘I want to be with you, irrespective of your form, looks or whatever others think of you and me’. It is not the quantum of wealth, body makeup or external attraction that makes people love; it is the compassion that makes people loves others. Love is quality of the person that makes one lovable. Love is commitment, loyalty, care and concern and putting other’s good above one’s own. 

                                                                Wise and divine people of all ages say, love should be returned for hate and good for evil because love is unanswerable. Love swallows up hatred as it is the only solution to problems which arise from our relationship as social being. 

                                                                 Love is both eternal and expressional. Mother’s love which is incomparable is the greatest expression of womanhood and eternal in human life. Love is what you do, not what you say. It is the beauty of tenderness. The beauty of life is built with love. Love is the synonym of sacrifice, forgiveness, patience, grace, compassion and laughter.

                                                                   Universe is showering love on us exuberantly. Enjoying the love of the Universe is possible through a spiritual journey. Spiritual journey is the soul of the loving feeling of oneness and a creative life experience. Spiritual path brings a pure conscious awareness into our mind which is the real energy source of love. Love is pure and real and it is always in a state of flowing. Spiritual love is like the sunshine which falls uniformly on all objects on the earth. Love of Universe is abundantly shining on us. To feel this abundance, simply relax, feel the joy of pure being, practice silence and receive the love. Be in the love of Universe and spread the love to all the creatures around us without any expectations and become a role model of loving soul to all those who are associated with us.

                                                                            Love to share a simple workout which I follow for the past twenty five years which absolutely helps life to be healthy, happy, lovable and peaceful. 

                               Every day, every moment think of the love showered on us by the Supreme Soul (Supreme Power/ Supreme Father) with gratitude for providing us shelter, air, water, food, health, happiness and solutions to overcome the problems throughout the day. Daily, spend at least twenty minutes in meditation and as far as possible a little time with nature, which help us to get rid of the ego, help to love ourselves and accept and enjoy our lives gifted by the Universe. Also honestly and regularly practice openness, be self compassionate and spread the unconditional love to all the creatures in the Universe. Travel through the true spiritual love with the mantra, “May the whole Universe enjoy happiness, prosperity, peace and harmony. Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti!!!

                                     Life in it true sense is in the present moment even though mind swings between the past and future. Always bring mind back to the present energy of love. Let the Soul reign over and dedicate your life to love the Universe for the uplift of humanity and the Cosmos.

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