Sunday 8 October 2017

An Ode to Nature

                                        Pranaamam Sridevi, my son in law's mom, who left this world for heavenly abode on 11th August 2017.
Sridevi (right)

                                         ‘Nature’, is very fascinating and rapturous delight to all especially who are nature lovers. Enjoying nature soothes our body, relieves stress and brings happiness. The word itself is very simple but by itself it is shrouded in mystery. Those who contemplate deeply the apprehension of the word nature is incomprehensible. It is tangible and at the same time intangible. There is a saying that if you don’t understand the nature of the world you don’t understand yourself. Here it is connecting the metaphysical aspects of nature. Nature is the quality that makes something what it is and is also the sum total of both animate and inanimate in the universe. It represents the flow of life.

                                            Nature has different connotations on different contexts in the domains of knowledge. A naturalist is an ardent lover of physical nature who enthuses at the charm of nature and anguishes at the destruction of nature. A metaphysician’s nature is philosophical and seeks to explain the nature of being and the origin and structure of the world. Whatever be the interpretations of the erudite geniuses it can be assumed that nature is the phenomena of the universe relating to life.

                                              In philosophy the SANKHYA metaphysics recognises only two kinds of ultimate realities namely ‘purusha’ and ‘prakriti’. Prakriti is the clandestine representation of nature. Prakriti is constituted by three gunas, satva, rajas and tamas. They are inferred from the objects of the world which are their effects. The effects they produce by their nature are pleasure, pain or indifference. These thoughts echoed in my mind when the memory of my son in law’s mom, Sridevi, who is my best friend was whirling in me due to her loss. The trips and journeys we made to enjoy the destinations of natural attractions lighted in me ecstasy and the cruel exploitations of the super speciality cancer hospital in the veneer of cure shuddered.

                                                The happiest memory is the travel we had together to Srinagar, the paradise on earth with its stunning natural beauty.  Major P. Rane, friend and neighbour of our son in law made all the arrangements to make the trip comfortable for four of us. We (me and husband) joined Sridevi and Vijayakrishnan at Pune for the dream trip. Morning at 6 we started from home and reached Srinagar via New Delhi at 12.40 noon. At the arrival gate we saw a person holding welcome board for Sreedevi. We rushed to him, he saluted us and loaded our baggage in his cab and started. He was nodding yes to our questions. After about four kms, he got a phone call that his guests led by another Sridevi are waiting in the airport. At the same time we too got the phone call from our driver. We all hurried back to the airport. Our host’s orderly took charge of us giving an end to the accidental incident. We used to quote and share the funny memory happened to us with our friends due to the impertinent action of us.

                                                Our joy knew no bounds when we landed in Srinagar. We are in nature, the land beyond expectations, the heavenly abode, the impeccably groomed dazzling damsel with her beauty lustre and lambency invoking in our veins and mesmerising us to satiate with her abound beauty. Srinagar, the Venice of the east is a charming city of lakes and gardens. The undulating happiness from the variegated sights is so delightful. In the evening the sight becomes immensely beautiful. We reached our guest house suites named kokernag and Verinag in Victor Force Signal Regiment at Awantipura 28 kms away from airport through NH 44. After refreshing we sat outside in the lawn under the umbrella shade with a hot cup of tea and hot samosa which soothes us in the cold weather. Suddenly it drizzled with hail stone shower. With high curiosity we girls went picking it up. The drizzling and smell of the virgin soil, the wonderful arts of the clouds in the sky, the murmuring of the birds, the cool breeze, the dancing of the tree branches and everything in the nature is creating a transcendent excellence of happiness in us. We all were in the same opinion that this dream invoking wonder land is beautiful than heaven. In the evening we just walked around in the campus through the stadium, common prayer hall, library, gymnasium and helipad, but since it was getting colder we thought of being back in our room to meet our host. The itinerary of the tour programme with the detailed chart during our stay in Srinagar surprised us for the well versed arrangements provided with guide, vehicle, refreshments, relaxation and stay.

                                         After breakfast we proceeded to Pahalgam which is 58 kms away through NH 1A. Closely grown pine trees salute us and shelter on both sides of the road. The rhythmatically flowing Jhelum River on the sides, the circumambient hills and valleys and the enchanting nature are infatuating us. On the way we visited the ruins of a Vaishnava temple by earthquake, centuries before. The rattling and clattering of Chinab River flowing parallel to the highway is really astonishing. The sizzling sound of the leaves of Chinar trees grown on both the sides when the breeze kisses was melodious. Pahalgam, the dream land is situated on the origin point of Lider and Sheshnag lakes. The uneven beautiful greenish meadows surrounded and intersected by Pine trees, the snow clad hills and the valleys are really grandeur and a real feast to eyes. Horse riding is the attractive sport at Pahalgam which enables us to reach to the top of a hill plane of 2130 mts high. The 11/2 hours of horse ride is an awesome experience through hairpin curves and clutters through the forest of Devatharu trees, the effortful moving of the horses, the pedestrians moving up and down, the local people carrying charcoal and fire wood on their head are all like a movie which is really an exciting aesthetic pleasure. The spot is famous for film shooting. Had lunch at the hotel named Pine and Peak which is encircled by luxurious beautiful natural gardens combined with meadows, Pine and Devatharu trees provide great ambience and relaxation. Experience of percolating cold in the dwindling day light snacking hot peanuts, green peas and bhelpuri at Aru valley and Betheb valley enthuse us to spend more time on the fumy snow clad mountain. Late evening we reached our camp at Ashwa mugh guest house of 3RR Assam Riffles. Even though the temperature outside was 5degree Celsius the big lantern inside the tin sheet guest room with thatched roofs gave us comfortable warmth throughout.

                                                    Early morning next day we visited Mattan temple, a divine complex of Lord Sun, Sri Rama and Goddess Durga which is a pageantry of temple arts. An invisible water stream starting from the hill valley passes down through the platform of the shrine reaches a pond in front of the temple called Vimal kund and overflows as a lake to the villages. The Gurudwara near the temple is a meditation place even though it is surrounded by the army.  Kokernag botanical garden, 70kms away from Srinagar situated at a height of 2020 mts, is a place of felicity, beauty and magnificent. Thick forested mountain ranges and their valleys, trees with brownish red leaves signalling winter arrival, foot path and pavements carpeted with the fallen leaves, flowers of different colours, dancing flowering plants and beautiful meadows with shyly flowing Kokernag spring with the rhythm of shaking chilankas (ankle chains)  are enthusing and exhilarating.

                                              Verinag, the spot where Jhelum River originates is 10 km away from Kokernag. The unique octagonal gate at the birth place of the lake is an attraction for the tourists. The place was beautified by Jahangir and Shajahan the Mughal kings. Charming garden, elegant waterfalls and canals, fruit trees, ornamental plants, comely meadows, magnificent hill valleys make the place a dream world. On the way back to Awanthipur guest house we had a quick visit to the vegetable and fruit market of Anandnag. There we bought some apples, oranges, banana, pear, peach and cherries which were extremely sweet and tasty.

                                                   Next day we started off to Gulmarg in Baramulla Township. The golf play ground here is world’s no: 1 due to its height lustre. The beauty of Gulmarg will make us hysteric. The trees have a special charm. They change the colour of leaves in time with seasons like the umbrella changing pageant of Trissur Pooram, greenish in spring, emerald in summer and gold in autumn which reveals the nature’s carnival show. The journey over the snow clad mountains in the ‘gondola’, straddling on the ice covered valleys enchants the tourists. Gulmarg resembles Alps Mountains which has the most fascinating beauty in the world. The gondola drive over the top of the ice kissing hills, the picnic spot where the horizon meets, the snow clad mountains and the glaciated landscape gives us an impression of a mysterious fairy land of illusionary experience. After lunch at the guest house of Goorka Riffles Regiment we went to the nearby famous Siva temple on the hill top where the shoot of the Hindi film ‘Apke Kasam’ was done. Had ‘darsan’ and visited the Indian Institute of Skiing and Mountaineering. The evening was wonderful with its beauty and chill.

                                                        The view of sunrise from our campsite was a blissful experience. The sun was slowly rising up against a background of multicoloured canvas of the horizon. The walk to observe the scenic spots Alpthar lake, Babaknag and Killen nag astonished us. After breakfast we visited the famous shrine of Baba Rishi which is being visited by devotees irrespective of caste, creed and religion. On the way back to Awanthipur, the Green village the factory show room helped us to buy some ethnic items as souvenirs.

                                                            Sonamarg, the ‘Meadow of Gold ‘is in Gandharbad district, situated at a height of 2730 mts. from the sea level and is famous for its scenic beauty. On the way we passed through Badamibag, Magini, Kankan and Guru to reach Sonamarg which is the gateway to Ladakh and also to the holy pilgrimage Amarnath Temple. Nichu Nipas which is the confluence of the lakes Kishansar, Vishansar and Gangabal. Zojila pass is at a distance of 25km which is 3540 mts high and the route leading to Ladakh plateau. Sonamarg is an important base for many trekking routes. The charismatic Sonamarg is the real beauty of the blooming valley of alpine flowers and towering conifers. Sindh River is flowing through the valley.

                                                   The boat trip through Dal Lake was awesome. The largest lake of the city is an icon and focal point of Srinagar. Shikara rides, stay in house boats and water skiing are the major tourist’s attractions in the lake. The sight of the floating market will trill us. Nehru Park is situated somewhat in the middle of the lake which is gorgeously illuminated in the evenings. The children’s park is a favourite spot for kids and parents with a variety of games and light and sound show in the evenings. The enchanting Char Chinar Island in the lake with four Stately Chinar (Maple trees) trees together as if in a comradeship is very famous.

                                 With the lovely thoughts of Shikara ride we went to the gardens architectured by the Mughal rulers. The gardens were specially noted for their stepped terraces and flowing water bodies. The famous gardens including Shalimar Bagh, Nishat Bagh, Cheshma Shahi and Siraj Bagh are located on the Far East side and banks of Dal Lake amidst spectacular scenic beauty overlooking the city. Shalimar Bagh is known as the garden of love laid by emperor Jehangir for his beloved wife Nurjahan. Nishat Bagh known as the garden of bliss was built by Asaf Khan, brother of empress Nurjahan in 1633. Cheshma Shahi, lay out by emperor Shajahan in 1632 is the smallest of the gardens. It is known for the natural spring of water with curative properties for stomach ailments. Siraj Bagh is named as Indira Gandhi Tulip Garden is a romanticist’s delight with over 3.5lakh colourful tulip flowers carpeting the garden during the blooming season. Pari Mahal is a grand palace perched atop a hill near Cheshma Shahi garden was originally a Buddhist monastery and later converted to a palace by Dara Shikoh, the eldest son of emperor Shajahan. The garden ornamented streets are well preserved and illuminated at night which add extra beauty to these tourist spots.

                                 Last day of our trip we planned to buy something of the origin of Srinagar to memorise the beautiful journey in the dream land. We proceeded to Badamibag cantonment base where our family friend Mr Balasubramanian, Asst Manager, Stores received us. The Siva Temple in the vicinity of the base camp located in the middle of an artificial pond is known as Pani Mandir. Here the devotees themselves can do ‘aarathi’. The base campsite is a township with banks, shops, malls, cinema theatre, restaurants and clinics. We bought dry fruits, kaser, handicrafts, Kashmir silks and handloom saris and dresses with much delight. Our lunch was arranged by our host Major Rana in advance at the ‘Holiday Home’ of the base. In the evening we went to our last destination Sri Shankaracharya Temple in Srinagar as per the itinerary of the tour. This ancient temple nestles on the Takht-i-Sulaiman hill at a height of 1000 ft above Srinagar city.                                                          The shrine dedicated to Lord Shiva dates back to emperor Jahangir’s time. It is said to be built on the site where the great Advaita philosopher saint Adi Shankaracharya stayed during his visit to Kashmir centuries back. We will reach the temple climbing 242 steps. The interiors of the temple are quite artistic. The awe-inspiring sight from the temple offers the view of the Dal Lake, the snowy peaks of Pir Panjal range and the illuminations in the evening. With gratitude fulfilling our dream visit to the wonder land Kashmir, along with our dear relatives, we reached back in our guest house.

                               Next day morning, the day of our departure from Kashmir, Major Rana joined us to bid farewell.  With the reminiscence of a lifetime experience of joy and festal fervour we four, being a beautiful team as the same feature birds, enjoyed the trip in full swing and reached back home at 11pm.

                                 I was describing the Sathwa guna element of nature, the eternal bond of life. It recently happened to experience the terribleness of nature as I was with Sridevi when she was hospitalised for cancer treatment. She was responding to the chemotherapy positively and back home after her third chemo, she sent messages to all her dear and near ones thanking for the prayers and blessings showered during the course of treatment. It last hardly for ten days only. One by one all the symptoms reappeared and the cancer was back as it became malignant. Instead of letting her to have a hospice by trauma care the expert team treating her belligerently influenced to go for stem cell transplant as the next phase of treatment. It was a moment of helplessness where the logic of sensibility will be overshadowed by the emotional state, a moment of conflict. If the apostles of cure are expected to be like Srikrishna to Arjun in such a situation, that is what the real eternal nature. But the nature of cure turns to affliction due to the wickedness. Stem cell transplant and blood transfusions were of no use to Sridevi and she left the world on 11th August 2017 for heavenly abode. It remembered me Mother Teresa’s words, “Nothing makes you happier than when you really reach out in mercy to someone who is badly hurt”. Here I conclude this memoir.

                                  “Mind is the fore runner of conditions.

                                    Mind is their leader and they are mind made.

                          If with a pure mind you speak or act, then happiness comes,

                                       after you like your never- departing shadow.”

                                                                    Dhammapada, 1-2





1 comment:

  1. A beautiful depiction of love of nature,nature loving we all
    thoroughly enjoyed this trip .An everlasting experience.Thank you Suma for bringing this heartfelt remembrance.
