Tuesday 21 February 2017

Shocked news....

My phone bell woke me up early morning which made me confused who put on the alarm because I can't remember any urgency in the day. Suddenly revealed about my phone and saw that it is the call from my daughter. While attending I heard the panic sound of our daughter who told her 'Mil' is hospitalised. Two days before she told she was suffering from bronchitis and wheezing and is on antibiotics. Why? What happened? Shocking heard her broken words' diagnosed with leukaemia'. Oh my God! What? Just want to hear what I heard is wrong. Again repeated, 'leukaemia'. While sobbing, she told within two weeks what a change? How can we think it is the symptoms of leukaemia?
Ten days before she felt feverish. Took some tablets for fever. She was having cough. Thought may be of cold weather. After four days felt tired, again after four days suffered from little suffocation and cough. When to family medicine. Diagnosed with bronchitis and pneumonia and prescribed antibiotics. Even after two days no change and third night she was not able even to lie down and was suffering from wheezing. Early morning was so tired not at all able to walk three steps. At this moment she was rushed to emergency where after four hours the diagnosis came out. Here nothing abnormal found but lost ten days which was very crucial in this case. May The Almighty protect my dear sister from this acute stage of leukaemia. Praying for the recovery of our beloved.
Let us take care of fevers and night sweats, frequent infections, pains in joints, loss of appetite, weight loss, weakness and tiredness, suffocation to breathe, cough. swollen lymph nodes without pain or bleeding and bruising easily.  

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